Rob Kulisek: 12 Variations: OVR | Paris



In a hallucinatory liminal crack between real and staged, 12 Variations-Rob Kulisek's debut short film-decodes the virtuosic realm of classical music through the internal struggles of a gifted pianist on the brink of graduating from an elite musical conservatory.

This pseudo-biopic stars the artist, DJ, and "the Michelangelo of Parisian club kids," Paul-Alexandre Islas, or simply, Urami. The film draws the viewer into a manic labyrinth with no way out, splicing deconstructions of image and sound that parallel Kulisek's photographic work. 12 Variations conducts a postmodern symphony, not only of notes and scales, but of the urban underworld, internal struggle, and the turbulent dialectic between tradition and modernity.
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